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Publisher: goth nespresso
Biography: Stalkeratore seriale di gattini 🐈 BOLOGNA 2020 (se il covid ce lo permette) #MCRX
Release Date 2013.
Score 30782 vote.
star Chloë Grace Moretz, James Marsden.
Writer Isao Takahata.
genre Family.
Free die legende der prinzessin kaguya free.
Anime /
The Tale of the Princess Kaguya
aka: The Tale Of Princess Kaguya
The Tale of the Princess Kaguya is a 2013 Japanese animation film from Studio Ghibli, directed by Isao Takahata, based on the 10th-century Japanese folk story The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter. A bamboo cutter discovers a miniature girl in a bamboo shoot. He and his wife take her in, naming her "Princess Kaguya" and raising her to be a lady. As Kaguya grows in beauty, she also remembers her origins on the Moon, and is torn between returning there and her love for her life on Earth. This was Takahata's last directorial work before his death in April 2018. It was dubbed and released in North America in 2014, and was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature, a first for an anime film not directed by Hayao Miyazaki. It was also the first Ghibli film to be distributed on home video by Universal in North America. It also is currently the highest-budget anime film ever made, having a budget of $49 million (5 billion Yen) note. No relation to Kaguya-sama: Love Is War. The same Japanese folk tale that inspired this film was adapted back in 1987 as a live-action feature called Princess From the Moon. The Tale of the Princess Kaguya provides examples of: Adaptation Expansion: The film follows the folktale close enough, but adds more Character Development and scenes to flesh out the story more. Adult Fear: A toddler Kaguya strays from her father in the woods and gets nearly attacked by a wild boar. Luckily, she's rescued. Inadvertently ruining your child's life when trying to give them a better one. All Just a Dream: Kaguya goes through one after overhearing some highly unflattering comments by inebriated guests, wherein she runs back to the village only to find everyone gone. Later, Sutemaru has one about flying away with Kaguya, leaving his family behind. Or Was It a Dream? : Both moments are ambiguous and indicate that at least some of it might have happened as her dreams seem to overlapped with actual events (Kaguya is given some plot-relevant information in the former, and with the latter, while it's reasonable to assume that the running off and flying part must have been a dream, everything up till that point is presented in a perfectly down-to-earth, realistic manner... And everything Kaguya says and does is things Sutemaru would have no possible way of knowing about. An Aesop: Money can't buy happiness. A poor and happy life is better than a rich and miserable one. Living a life that makes you miserable to please others will only leave you full of regrets when you reach the end of your life. Giving your child a better life only works if you pay attention to what makes them happy, and give them the life they want rather than the one you think they should have. Anguished Declaration of Love: Near the end, Kaguya confesses to Sutemaru in a ( possible) dream that she's loved him all along and could have been happy with him, but knows it's too late since she has to return to the moon soon. Arcadia: Country life is romanticized, showing peasant children enjoying chore-free summers. Barbie Doll Anatomy: Zigzagged. Breastfeeding is portrayed matter-of-factly with nipples shown in close-up, and the infants are often without pants, but the girls get the Barbie Doll treatment while the boys do not. When Kaguya is older and goes swimming with her friends, she removes her clothes and has a complete Barbie Doll job. Big Damn Heroes: Me no Warawa almost pulls one off when she recruits then neighbourhood kids to sing Kaguya's childhood nursery rhyme about the blessings of life on Earth as she's about to be taken away. It doesn't work, but it does make her pause and drop the robe of forgetfulness long enough for her parents to reach her and say goodbye one last time. Birth/Death Juxtaposition: When the fifth suitor dies, there is a close-up on his hand opening to show a hatched baby swallow. Blue and Orange Morality: The emissaries from the moon are not even remotely bad beings, but they also do not seem to realize that no-one considers what they're doing to be something good. They are, to put it simply, in an uncanny way harmoniously detached and oblivious of how utterly inhumane they really are. The way they envision earthly life as "impure", and something worth to be punished longing for could put them in the Scary Dogmatic Aliens category. Break the Cutie: Poor Kaguya endures several over the film, but the two biggest examples have to be learning the fifth suitor killed himself trying to fetch a swallow's egg shell for her, and after the Emperor embraces her without her consent, leaving her with Dull Eyes of Unhappiness that hastens her symbolic death to the moon. Bumbling Dad: Kaguya's father obviously means well, but his attempts to make her happy just make her more and more miserable which hastens her return to the moon. Cast of Snowflakes: Despite the simple art style of the movie, all characters look different from each other. Cat Smile: Kaguya's handmaiden Me no Warawa sports a subtle one. Cherry Blossoms: There are falling sakura petals before the five suitors arrive. Childhood Friend Romance: Poor Unlucky Sutemaru. Or rather, Kaguya is this to him since she dies tragically young while he marries and starts a family. Comforting Comforter: In an early scene the mother covers sleeping Kaguya with a sheet. Deliberate Values Dissonance: Best exemplified with Kaguya's tutor. Her tutor teaches her how to be a proper lady, which is very tedious and restrictive. Her tutor also imposes contemporary fashion standards that the audience knows to look off (like plucking her eyebrows and rubbing black charcoal over her teeth), but are considered beautiful during the time the film is set in. Her tutor also insists that if Kaguya chooses a rich man's hand she will be happy, but Kaguya points out that she's never met or seen any of these men or vice-versa, so how can they love her, and how can she find happiness pledging her hand to a stranger? Diving Save: How Sutemaru rescues Kaguya from a mama boar. Does This Remind You of Anything? : The whole story, on Kaguya's father side, is a fantasy retelling of what fatherhood and the relative Adult Fear means: The Bamboo Cutter, the very day meets his daughter, is instantly smitten with her, naming her his "princess" and acting as she'll be destined to be the most beautiful, important girl in his whole life. Exactly as every father is led to believe his own daughter is the cutest, brightest, loveliest little princess around. Kaguya grows at an extraordinary rate in the first act of the movie, often with other characters commenting upon her growth with every spurt she has (often following some special event, like flowers suddenly blooming or her learning how to crawl and walk). Now, what exactly is it grown-ups tend to say regarding children? "They grow up so fast. " The Bamboo Cutter has always shown signs of being a protective, worrywart of a father. But losing your little daughter in the woods, or a big area with little to nothing hopes of finding her in time is the quintessential Adult Fear. Kaguya eventually grows up, and her adoptive father accidentally screws her whole life by trying to provide her an upperclass education and find her a high-ranking husband. Almost every father wants his daughter to have a better life than the one he led, sometimes without stopping to collect her own opinions in the process. Kaguya refuses to tell her father how she feels, to avoid hurting him. Her father couldn't have possibly known what's wrong with her. He sees her sullen and moody for all her teenage years, and every attempt to cheer her up is shot down. Exactly as the average complaint of a father unable to connect with his teenage daughter. In the end, Kaguya has to get back to her kingdom on the moon, forgetting her life on Earth. How does a father feel when he becomes suddenly aware that his daughter is going to live on her own, possibly ending up somewhere where being in contact frequently would be very hard, if not impossible? The whole plot point with donning the celestial robe and forgetting everyone on Earth could be related to a daughter moving far away, "forgetting" about her parents and never calling them. Double Standard: The film critiques this big time, since Kaguya grows up in a patriarchal environment. She and her mother receive scolding for out-of-line behavior while the more bumbling suitors and Kaguya's father are virtually free of reproach. Kaguya and her mother are also forced to adhere to much more restrictive "in-line" behavior, while the her father and suitors still can't be bothered to follow the lax rules set out for them. Downer Ending: Kaguya is taken back to the Moon, the celestial robe placed on her stripping her of all memory of everything she experienced. It's implied she has some sense of what she's lost, judging both by her story of the one who came before her, but she only remembers enough to know she's sad and doesn't know why, given her backwards glance at the Earth. According to Isao Takahata, the movie is about a girl who is born and grows up but dies young. Dramatically Missing the Point: Kaguya's father thinks giving her a mansion, fancy things, lady training, and a rich husband will make her happy. He also imposes strict behavior standards on her as a lady, to the point that for years she's not allowed to ever run, laugh, play, have friends, or be out in nature—to the point that he scolds her for simply playing with a cat in the garden at one point, and she sits in a literal gilded cage alone in a dark room while he and the other male guests get to drink and party in her honor. Then, later, he acts SURPRISED to learn that she is miserable in the restrictive life he imposed on her. Dramatic Drop: Kaguya drops a flower pot when hearing about the death of one of the suitors. Easy Amnesia: As easy as putting on a robe of forgetfulness. Empathic Environment: Rain starts pouring down when Sutemaru gets curbstomped in the street after bumping into Kaguya again. Engagement Challenge: Kaguya sets up an Impossible Task for each of her suitors to avoid marriage. Most of the suitors cheat, allowing her to reject them, but the last one ends up getting himself killed, much to Kaguya's horror. Eyes Always Shut: Me no Warawa, who opens her eyes rarely (usually when shocked). Flower from the Mountaintop: In order to win the hand of Princess Kaguya, the first suitor quests himself to pluck a branch from the tree of jewels that grows on the Mountain of Horai. He later shows up with a counterfeit made by craftsmen. Foreshadowing: Around the middle of the film, Kaguya states that the moment she marries the Emperor and her father dons the hat of a court official, she will kill herself. Later in the film, after the Emperor attempts to make his advances on her, Kaguya ends up inadvertently summoning the lunarians to take her away, and they do indeed do so at the end of the film. Where this really comes into play is an explanation by Isao Takahata himself that Kaguya's departure is symbolic of death, meaning she did indeed end up killing herself in a metaphorical sense. A subtle one near the start of the film. While Kaguya is still a baby, a number of kids nickname her "bamboo" and beckon her toward them. Her father insists that her name is "Princess, " and beckons her toward him instead. While little Kaguya would obviously prefer to be with the kids, she's swayed to go to her father instead. When she gets older, even though she'd rather stay with Sutemaru and live as a bamboo-cutter's daughter mountain, she lets her parents (particularly her father) persuade her to move to the city to live as a noble lady instead. This leads to years of unhappiness, and she dies full of regret. Flight of Romance: Towards the end, Kaguya and Sutemaru seemingly re-unite with a romantic flight sequence, before it turns into All Just a Dream / Or Was It a Dream? see description above. From Dress to Dressing: Kaguya patches up Sutemaru this way after a tumble off a rocky hillside. Gigantic Moon: The moon has an enormous size when Kaguya flees the city to get back to her home in the forest. Justified as this scene later turns out to be All Just a Dream. Gilded Cage: Kaguya's life as a high-class lady is a very restrictive one. Gonk: One of the suitors is incredibly obese. Another has an ugly wife. Gorgeous Period Dress: And not-so-gorgeous, like blackened teeth and plucked eyebrows. Happy Rain: During their Flight of Romance towards the end, Sutemaru and Kaguya are seen enjoying the pouring rain. Heroic BSoD: Kaguya goes through one when she hears one of the suitors died while on his quest. Impossible Task: What Kaguya orders her suitors to accomplish if they want her hand in marriage. One of the suitors even uses the trope's name in the English dub. Informed Attractiveness: Several characters make remarks about Kaguya's beauty. Innocent Fanservice Girl: When Kaguya gets to her prepubescent years, she doffs her clothes (with Barbie Doll Anatomy) with the other kids while swimming with no problem, since all she's known is being One of the Boys. The boys are left agape. Intangibility: Kaguya somehow does this when the Emperor gets a little too close. It's All About Me: The Emperor is convinced that Kaguya refused five suitors so she could belong to him. Downplayed for Kaguya's father. He honestly wants to make her happy by making her rich, but let's be honest: the higher her status, the higher his by proxy. When he encourages her to become the Emperor's concubine Kaguya calls him out on it, pointing out that if she did he would become a court official, and by this point she's done sacrificing her own happiness for his advancement. It's All Junk: Kaguya eventually realizes her treasured little garden (that she shaped to resemble their old home in the mountains) is just a fake imitation of the real thing she always wanted. Lonely at the Top: The higher her popularity as "Princess Kaguya" rises, the more lonely and miserable she feels. Love Interest: Sutemaru is the most prominent male presence in Kaguya's life next to her own father... or he was, before her family moved away to the city and he dropped out of her life almost completely. During the final act, she reunites with him and reveals her wish that she might have been able to live her life with him, only for the people of the moon to confront her, leading Kaguya to return to her final days at the palace and Sutemaru back to his wife and children. Loving a Shadow: Kaguya has countless admirers and no less than five suitors competing for her hand, despite none of them ever having seen or looked at her. Lunarians: The Moon People, which eventually arrive to collect Kaguya. Mid-Suicide Regret: One of the most tragic examples. When the Emperor embraces her from behind she wants nothing more than to return to the moon, inadvertently summoning the People of the Moon to come fetch her. After the shock wears off, she realizes she still wants to stay on earth, and realizes she could still leave her Gilded Cage behind and live the life she want... if only the People of the Moon weren't coming to get her no matter what so soon. In the end they come to get her and place a Cloak of Forgetfullness above her, which Word of God explains symbolizes a young woman dying tragically young and experiencing The Nothing After Death. Mind Screw: It's difficult to figure out what exactly is the point of the ending without Word of God to explain the symbolism. The relentless approach of the People of the Moon is not an attack by Scary Dogmatic Aliens, but the souls of the departed coming to bring Kaguya because she's dying and destined for The Nothing After Death. Modest Royalty: Kaguya and her parents retain their peasant history even when they move to the capital. Kaguya becomes a Rebellious Princess (see below), her mother continues to work in the kitchen and garden, and her father keeps his oafishness despite being the most adamant to adopt royalty. Mood Whiplash: The fifth suitor triumphantly grasping a swallow's egg before pratfalling into a large kettle slap-stick style is Played for Laughs, until the very next scene reveals he died from the fall. Princess Kaguya is understandably distraught. My God, What Have I Done? : Kaguya is distraught to learn that her Impossible Task got her fifth suitor killed. Nice Job Breaking It, Hero! : Kaguya was genuinely happy living as a simple bamboo cutter's daughter in the mountains. Then her father decides to buy her a mansion in the capital, give her proper lady training, and put her on the marriage market for rich suitors, ruining her happiness and hastening her return to the moon. Noblewoman's Laugh: Averted. While Sagami tells Kaguya that refined women do not laugh loudly, she doesn't give a demonstration. No Good Deed Goes Unpunished: Kaguya realizes pretty quickly that she's not happy living in the Gilded Cage her father set up for her, but tries to play along to make him happy. After being miserable for years, she dies tragically young, ruing all the time she wasted living a life she hated instead of using what little time she had on earth to be happy. No Periods, Period: Averted. Kaguya's menarche kicks off the chain of events that ends with her return to the moon. One of the Boys: Kaguya when she becomes a part of Sutemaru's gang. Overprotective Dad: Averted with Kaguya's father, who does indeed want the best for Kaguya, including the highest-ranking husband possible. Patrick Stewart Speech: Kaguya starts to give one of these as she's saying her final goodbye to her parents and to the Earth, adamant that the Moon people's attempt to downplay her hesitation by pointing out the impurity of Earth and the sorrow and pain that exist in it only reveals that they don't fully grasp the complexities and blessings of life on this planet and of the humans who inhabit it. Indeed they don't (nor do they care), for they place the robe of forgetfulness on her mid-speech and shut her down. Prince Charmless: Mildly downplayed by the Emperor who, though he carries himself with grace, is also an egocentric twit who arrives at the conclusion that Kaguya must've refused all other suitors because she's waiting for him to propose. After this he goes on to decide that he's Entitled to Have Her and attempts to take her with him against her will, reasoning that no girl has never wanted him not to take her. Even after Kaguya has made it as clear as possible that she wants nothing to do with him, he insists that it's his conviction that her happiness is dependent on her belonging to him. Princess Protagonist: Kaguya, though raised by woodcutters and technically a celestial immortal, is referred to as princess, and eventually leaves her happy simple life to live like a princess. "The Reason You Suck" Speech: The wife of the third suitor gives her husband one of these, knowing that Kaguya would probably become just another disposable spouse of his, just like she has become. Rebellious Princess: Justified with the titular Kaguya, as she grew up in a hamlet surrounded by nature and friends, as well as allowed more freedom than when she became a princess. This is also downplayed is that she does succumb to much of the traditions for a time to keep her father pleased. Rescue Romance: Kaguya first meets her childhood friend Satumaru when he rescues her from a wild boar. Retraux: The film's art style, based on ukiyo-e watercolor paintings. Rule of Symbolism: All over the place. Kaguya's father gives her a bird in a cage for a present which represents her own situation in the Gilded Cage. She decides to free the bird. During the feast her father throws to celebrate her first period, Kaguya sits in a literal cage alone behind a curtain, while all the men get to drink, laugh, and party supposedly in her honor. The dejected look on her face says it all. The five suitors compare her beauty to impossible treasures as proof of their love, despite having never seen her. When she asks them to go find said treasures they sputter that that's impossible, which she takes to mean their love for her is as non-existent as the treasures they describe. She's tragically right. The first two suitors show up and claim they found the impossible treasure she requested, only for them to turn out to be fakes. Kaguya lampshades that their love is as fake as the public image her father cultivated for her. The third suitor brings a single wild flower he plucked from the side of the road as a symbol of his affection. His wife (whom it's implied he wooed with this same pickup line) turns up and demands to know how many more flowers he intends pluck and discard in this manner. The emperor embracing her from behind without her consent, her horrified reaction, her subsequent Empty Shell and Dull Eyes of Unhappiness behavior, and her news to her parents that his embrace made her want to escape so intensely that it hastened her inescapable return to the moon, can all be read as symbolism for Kaguya experiencing Rape as Drama and then being Driven to Suicide or Death by Despair. The people of the moon could easily be read as a Take That! to Buddhism. Not only does the leader of the moon resemble the Budda, but they're described as ageless, immortal beings who who never experience the miseries of mortal life (hunger, pain, fear, sorrow, loss, grief, aging, sickness, or death) but also never its joys or pleasures either. (One of the core tenants of Buddhism is rising above worldly suffering and desire to obtain enlightenment. ) The moon and its people can be seen as symboling nirvana (a state of permanent peace, liberation, and "consciousness without feature, without end" beyond suffering and desire). Kaguya's passionate speech that she's learned that it's better to experience all the joys and hardships of mortal life than the bland immortal existence, and them putting the cloak of forgetfullness on her anyway is unambiguously depicted as a Downer Ending. Running Gag: Kaguya's father losing his hat every time he walks through a doorway. Shoot the Shaggy Dog: One of Kaguya's suitors compares her to a cowry shell kept warm in a swallow's nest; she responds by requesting that he bring such a thing to her in exchange for her hand. This is 'easily' the least exotic comparison made, and thus the least exotic demand, but he falls just after grabbing something from a nest, shouting out in triumph, tumbling to land face-first in a giant pot, lethally breaking his spine. His treasure ends up being a mundane bird's egg, with the chick inside chirping. Shout-Out: Kaguya's handmaiden, Me no Warawa, dresses rather similarly to and looks very much like another Princess Kaguya... A subtle one. The old woodcutter is voiced by Tatsuya Nakadai in the Japanese version. Nakadai had played a woodcutter in one of the ghost stories in Kwaidan. So Happy Together: Sutemaru and Kaguya's reunion and Flight of Romance are too good to last more than a couple of scenes. Soundtrack Dissonance: The Tear Jerker ending is set to very happy festival music. Justified Trope as the inhabitants of the Moon do not know anything about sorrow or suffering; they are pretty much incapable of realizing that a Soundtrack Dissonance is even possible. Stern Teacher: Sagami, though she admits that Kaguya performs better when not in her lessons. Trauma Conga Line: Kaguya's childhood is relatively happy. Once she's taken to the capital, however, things sour: She's immediately shut off from her childhood friends. Her teacher is demanding and has no tolerance for her lack of enthusiasm. Her first period is met with her father putting her on the marriage market. Suitors are immediately struck by her, before even having met her, which puts pressure her to marry someone she doesn't even know. She briefly sees one childhood friend in the street, which mainly makes him pause in shock and be thoroughly beaten. One suitor successfully plays to her interests, but is strongly implied to be manipulating her rather than being genuine as the parents secretly have one of his earlier wives present at his proposal to verify his sincerity. Another accidentally dies in an attempt to woo her (see Shoot the Shaggy Dog above). The Emperor concludes that she's shooting everyone else down because she's holding out for him, and when he embraces her from behind, she panics, and sets in motion her return to the Moon. In the end, she can do nothing to stop it; even under protest, as she recognizes both the good and the bad of Earth and clearly doesn't want to forget it, the celestial robe is placed on her anyway. Uptown Girl: Kaguya becomes this to Sutemaru after her father moves her to the capital. "Well Done, Daughter! " Girl: This is why Kaguya endures the traditions as long as she does in order to please her father. Women Are Wiser: Kaguya's mother and handmaiden understand her and what makes her happy better than her father ever does. Wonder Child: Kaguya is found dressed as a princess no more than a few inches tall, then turns into a fast-growing baby. Yank the Dog's Chain: One suitor does seem to align to her interest and understands her longing to escape her mansion and she nearly considers it... until it's revealed that his wife is present and he made a similar promise to her. You Can't Fight Fate: No one is able to resist Kaguya's return to the Moon. You Can't Go Home Again: During Kaguya's dream sequence, she discovers that the villagers of her former countryside home have migrated somewhere else and the fields will take a long time to regain their life. This reveals that even the option to go back home is not available. Your Cheating Heart: At least three of Kaguya's suitors are implied to be married already, and just want her as a shiny status symbol. Her childhood friend Sutemaru is revealed to have a wife and kids at the end, and he's willing to abandon them without a second thought to run away with Kaguya. You Shall Not Pass! : Kaguya's father enlists the entire household to shoot down the Moon delegation as they arrive. However, the arrows turn to flowers mid-air, and everyone falls asleep save Kaguya's parents.
Free die legende der prinzessin kaguya film.
While I have not seen Song of the Sea yet, from personal opinion The Tale of the Princess Kagua was the best of the nominees. It is a stunning film and, while the Ghibli films since Spirited Away are all worth seeing at least once(with only Tales from Earthsea disappointing somewhat) and as great as Howl's Moving Castle and The Wind Rises are, The Tale of the Princess Kaguya is the best since Spirited Away without being one of Ghibli's very finest.
It has and will alienate some viewers though, it is long, goes at a slow pace and elements of the story- for those unfamiliar with the old Japanese folktale it's based on- have gone and will go over people's heads. Neither of those however bothered me at all. The best things about The Tale of the Princess Kaguya are the animation and the music. The animation is just exquisite, Ghibli's best-looking since Spirited Away in which all their films since is the animation's the most consistently good asset of all of them, with everything looking so colourful and delicate and with an animation style quite unique to what's been seen before. Joe Hisaishi's music score is stirring, haunting and beautifully elegiac, it fits perfectly with the film's mood and is a wonderful score on its own, one that is guaranteed to have people rushing to find the CD if available and buy it.
The story is divisive but to me it worked just fine. It seems simple structurally but the film does much with it that it doesn't feel simple, what occurs is engaging, thought-provoking and incredibly touching while not trying to make things too complicated. What stood out was the ending, one that was completely unexpected but also one that is beautifully melancholic and emotionally heart-breaking. The Tale of the Princess Kaguya's thoughtfully scripted, has some elements of whimsy and flows well and while the characters are archetypal they still engage. The voice acting is very good, with the Japanese version even better than that. In the English dub, which for this viewer wasn't bored-sounding at all, Chloe Grace Moretz voices with a lot of spirit, James Caan is authoritative and Mary Steenburgen is sympathetic and dignified with her Narrator being the stronger of her two roles.
Overall, a stunning film, may alienate some but as seen will captivate most. 10/10 Bethany Cox.
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Movies Published on May 15th, 2018 | by Faith A bamboo cutter named Sanuki no Miyatsuko discovers a miniature girl inside a glowing bamboo shoot. Believing her to be a divine presence, he and his wife decide to raise her as their own, calling her “Princess”. The girl grows rapidly and conspicuously, causing her parents to marvel and earning her the nickname “Takenoko” (Little Bamboo) from the other village children. Sutemaru, the oldest among Kaguya’s friends, develops a close relationship with her. Miyatsuko comes upon gold and fine cloth in the bamboo grove in the same way he found his daughter. He takes these as proof of her divine royalty and begins planning to make her a proper princess. He relocates the family to the capital, forcing her to leave her friends behind. She finds herself in a mansion, replete with servants. She is also saddled with a governess who is tasked with taming her into a noblewoman. She struggles with the restraints of nobility, arguing that life should be full of laughter and struggle. When the girl comes of age, she is granted the formal name of “Princess Kaguya” for the light and life that radiates from her. Miyatsuko holds a celebration in commemoration of her naming. At the celebration, Kaguya overhears partygoers ridiculing her father’s attempts to turn a peasant girl into a noble through money. Kaguya flees the capital in despair and runs back to the mountains, seeking Sutemaru and her other friends, but discovers that they have all moved away. Kaguya passes out in the snow and awakens back at the party. Kaguya grows in beauty, attracting scores of suitors. Five men of noble standing court her, comparing her to mythical treasures. Kaguya tells them she will only marry whoever can bring her the mythical treasure mentioned. Two suitors attempt to persuade her with counterfeits. The third abandons his conquest out of cowardice, and the fourth attempts to woo her with flattering lies. When one of the men is killed in his quest, Kaguya falls into depression. Eventually, the Emperor takes notice of her. Taken with her beauty, he makes advances toward her, revolting her. Kaguya then demonstrates the ability to disappear at will, surprising the Emperor. Understanding that he has been too forward, the Emperor takes his leave. Kaguya reveals to her parents that she originally came from the Moon after it spoke to her. Once a resident of the Moon, she broke its laws, hoping to be exiled to Earth so that she could experience mortal life. When the Emperor made his advances, she silently begged the Moon to help her. Having heard her prayer, the Moon will reclaim her during the next full moon. Kaguya confesses her attachment to Earth and her reluctance to leave. Miyatsuko swears to protect Kaguya and begins assembling defensive forces. Kaguya returns to her hometown in the mountains once more. She finds Sutemaru and tells him she would have been happiest with him; Sutemaru vows to protect her. The two run around the grass field and Kaguya demonstrates the ability to fly. However, she loses it when they fly by the Moon, and the two drop into the water. Sutemaru wakes up on the grass field, thinking it was a dream, while Kaguya is seen in a carriage going back to the palace. On the night of the full moon, a procession of celestial beings led by the Buddha descends from the Moon, and Miyatsuko is unable to stop it. An attendant offers Kaguya a robe that will erase her memories of Earth. Kaguya begs the attendant to grant her a last moment with her parents. The attendant assures her that upon returning to the Moon, she will be free of Earth’s impurities. Kaguya rebuffs her, saying that Earth is full of wonder and life. The attendant then drapes the robe around Kaguya, and she appears to forget about her life on Earth. The procession ascends to the Moon, leaving Miyatsuko and his wife distraught. Kaguya looks back one last time, and tears run down her eyes as she recognizes the love from her parents. The film ends with an overlay of baby Kaguya over the moon, hinting the possibility of her memory remaining with her. The characters Princess Kaguya The mysterious young princess enthralls all who encounter her – but, ultimately, she must confront her fate, the punishment for her crime. Bamboo Cutter He was very poor and sad also, for no child had Heaven sent to cheer his old age, and in his heart there was no hope of rest from work till he died and was laid in the quiet grave. The Wife Bamboo Cutter’s Wife. Sutemaru is the Deuteragonist. He is a friend of Kaguya. When they meet she is only a toddler, but by the the autumn she looks almost as old as him. Sagami he is lady of the Emperor’s Palace and serves as a coah in etiquette for Kaguya. Sagami resembles a very traditional Heian lady. Menowarawa a character in The Tale of the Princess Kaguya, Inbe no Akita He organize ceremonies and he gives people a name. The last mentioned task is important for people to become noble. Prince Ishitsukuri a prince. He is portrayed as a glamor boy. He is first seen on a royal ceremony in Heian-kyō. On the ceremony Inbe no Akita describe Kaguya ‘s beauty. Prince Kuramochi a prince. He describes her beauty as Buddha’s unique shell. Otomo One of many male frog workers in the bathhouse. He’s a bit of a suck up and a taddle-tale. Production Credits Directed by Isao Takahata [1] Produced by Yoshiaki Nishimura Screenplay by Isao Takahata Riko Sakaguchi ( ja) Based on The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter Starring Aki Asakura ( Wikidata) Kengo Kora Takeo Chii Nobuko Miyamoto Music by Joe Hisaishi Cinematography Keisuke Nakamura Edited by Toshihiko Kojima Production company Studio Ghibli Distributed by Toho Release date 23 November 2013 Voice Cast Character Japanese cast English dub cast Aki Asakura [ ja] Chloë Grace Moretz Caitlyn Leone (young) Darren Criss The Bamboo Cutter Takeo Chii [a] James Caan The Bamboo Cutter’s Wife Mary Steenburgen Lady Sagami Atsuko Takahata Lucy Liu Me no Warawa Tomoko Tabata Hynden Walch Tatekawa Shinosuke George Segal Takaya Kamikawa James Marsden Lord Minister of the Right Abe Hikaru Ijūin Oliver Platt Great Counselor Otomo Ryudo Uzaki Daniel Dae Kim The Mikado Nakamura Shichinosuke II Dean Cain Isao Hashizume Beau Bridges Middle Counselor Isonokami Tamaki Kojo John Cho Movie Trailer Screenshots from the movie Tags: anime, disney totoro, ghibli, Ghibli Stuff, Hayao Miazaki, Hayao Miyazaki, Kusakab, mononoke, moro, my neighbor totoro, my neighbour totoro, princess mononoke anime, spirited away anime, spirited away movie, studio ghibli, studio ghibli movie, studio ghibli princes mononoke, studio ghibli spirited away, studio ghibli totoro, studio ghibli wallpaper.
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